Kalen Gruber of McGriff Insurance Services talks to Hinge Health at Movement 2023 Conference

Talking With Kalen Gruber of McGriff Insurance Services

Movement 2023: On Air

Published Date: Aug 3, 2023
Kalen Gruber of McGriff Insurance Services talks to Hinge Health at Movement 2023 Conference

Musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders are always top of mind for Kalen Gruber, VP of Health Management Services for McGriff Insurance Services, a customized insurance, risk management, and employee benefit solutions provider.

Why? Related medical claims are consistently costing his clients in a big way.

Kalen joined Hinge Health Director of Content Marketing Jenny Sucov on the On Air podcast at the Movement 2023 conference in Chicago to discuss this leading medical claim and why he promotes the use of digital physical therapy.

Watch the full discussion or read the transcript below.

Jenny Sucov (JS): What are some of the biggest challenges that are facing your various clients today?

Kalen Gruber (KG): This is a pretty easy discussion since MSK disorders are always in the top three in terms of top claims.

So when we were working with clients, most of them have at least some interest in trying to contain their medical costs. We're addressing diabetes, MSK, and cancer. Having virtual physical therapy as an option for our clients is a tremendous asset.

I do run a lot of RFPs (requests for proposals). Once we talk to our clients about the possibility of getting virtual physical therapy to help improve employees' acute and chronic conditions, we look at some of the competition. And Hinge Health is always one of the top options.

JS: What are some of your clients' concerns when you talk to them about digital physical therapy?

KG: I think it really sells itself.

[Digital physical therapy] has a very good story regarding the social determinants of health.

Being able to provide the service across the entire spectrum of employees, no matter where they are, located is huge.

Also, we look at the amount of time it takes to get an appointment. In a brick-and-mortar situation, it's sometimes four to six weeks before someone can even get in to see somebody about their condition.

So being having a virtual solution and address employees' needs is a great cultural fit from the benefits angle.

It also gives us the ability to scale the product across all employees all at once.

JS: Is there a particular topic you are interested in hearing more about at Movement 2023?

KG: I think pelvic health is the most important topic that we are currently looking into.

We have such a tremendous opportunity to try to serve the needs of a lot of women, and certainly spouses and dependents.

So, I'm very interested to see how the pelvic health program is continuing to develop.

I'm also interested in looking at some of the innovations. I'm very interested in what can be done to help keep our population from moving into an injured state.

These responses have been edited for clarity and brevity.