Parents ERG

The Parent ERG's purpose is to provide resources, support, advocacy and connection for the current and future parents and caregivers at Hinge Health

Parenting Across Differences

  • This internal conversation with Parents ERG members explored cultural differences in raising children.

Parenting Across Differences

  • This internal conversation with Parents ERG members explored cultural differences in raising children.

National Pregnancy & Infancy Loss Awareness Day Guest Speaker.

  • Betsy Winter, an embodiment specialist and bereavement coach for grief and trauma following pregnancy & infant loss.

  • The presentation empowered parents find hope, meaning and a deeper sense of wholeness if they had experienced loss or should experience loss in the future.

National Pregnancy & Infancy Loss Awareness Day Guest Speaker.

  • Betsy Winter, an embodiment specialist and bereavement coach for grief and trauma following pregnancy & infant loss.

  • The presentation empowered parents find hope, meaning and a deeper sense of wholeness if they had experienced loss or should experience loss in the future.

Parenting with the Enneagram

  • This is an interactive presentation. Nicole Saccomani shared a little about each type and how it relates to parenting and some ways you can utilize your strengths to enhance your parenting skills!

  • This was a fun, engaging and conversational session.

Parenting with the Enneagram

  • This is an interactive presentation. Nicole Saccomani shared a little about each type and how it relates to parenting and some ways you can utilize your strengths to enhance your parenting skills!

  • This was a fun, engaging and conversational session.

Speaker Event: The Effects of Screentime on Children and Teens

  • Lizzie Assa, Founder of The Workspace for Children, provided expert parenting tips & tricks around screen time, setting boundaries and support for parents with communication around technology.

  • As oveall screentime has dramatically increased in the kast 2 years and topics discussed addressed guilt around screentime, how to set boundaries and limits.

Speaker Event: The Effects of Screentime on Children and Teens

  • Lizzie Assa, Founder of The Workspace for Children, provided expert parenting tips & tricks around screen time, setting boundaries and support for parents with communication around technology.

  • As oveall screentime has dramatically increased in the kast 2 years and topics discussed addressed guilt around screentime, how to set boundaries and limits.

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