Hinge Health

Exercise therapy for women’s pelvic health

Reduce pelvic pain and discomfort — at no additional cost to you — with exercise sessions you can do at home in 15 minutes or less.

1 in 4
women has a pelvic floor disorder1

6.5 years
the average amount of time women wait to seek care2

1 in 2
women experience 
urinary incontinence3,4

If you suffer from a pelvic floor disorder, you probably know what it's like to:

WPH pilot pelvic floor symptoms desktop
Be told your symptoms are “normal” because you've had children or are aging
Always stay close to a bathroom and often barely make it in time
Worry about laughing, sneezing, or other things that cause you to leak urine
Struggle with anxiety and depression because you can't get effective relief
Feel self-conscious, embarrassed, even disconnected from your own body

Now you can manage your pelvic pain and other symptoms

No more frustration or embarrassment. Get expert care now — without having to convince anyone that your pain or discomfort is not normal.

What we treat

No matter what stage of life you’re in — from early adulthood to after menopause — we can help with many common issues, including:
Pregnancy & Postpartum

Pregnancy and childbirth take a toll on your body. Get help to control — and get relief from — urinary issues, difficulty with bowel movements, and low back, hip, and pelvic pain.

Bladder & bowel disorders

Improve your bladder and bowel control. Stop leaking urine and manage that uncontrollable “gotta go” feeling. Get relief from constipation and bloating, too.

Pelvic organ prolapse

If the pelvic organs slip out of place (known as prolapse), the result is often pelvic pain or pressure. Strengthening the pelvic floor, hip, and lower back muscles can provide relief.

Pelvic pain

Your pelvic floor muscle, like all muscles, can develop pain from stress, injury, and conditions like endometriosis. Exercise therapy, along with other treatments, can provide relief.

Separated abdominal muscles

Pregnancy, childbirth, even injury can stretch your abdominal muscles and lead to pelvic and back pain. Heal and strengthen your core muscles with the right exercise and guidance.

Sexual dysfunction

Many different factors can cause sex to hurt, including pelvic floor disorders. Exercise that targets the pelvic floor muscle, along with other treatments, can help you enjoy sex again.

What members say about our women's pelvic health program

My Hinge Health PT was the first person to tell me what caused this.


Hinge Health member

Recovery starts with customized care

Get a program based on your needs. And get back to life the way you want to live it.

Getting started is easy

WPH get-started bullet 500x451
Tell us about yourselfComplete a 10-minute questionnaire to open your account and tell us about your experience with pain. Once your account is approved, you can log into the app.
Start your programAnd start feeling better! As your pain improves, so does your care plan—with new exercises and tools to help you move with confidence.
Meet your physical therapistSchedule a private video visit with a Hinge Health pelvic floor physical therapist. They’ll learn more about you and design your exercise plan.


Nygaard, I., Barber, M. D., Burgio, K. L., Kenton, K., Meikle, S., . . . Brody, D. J. (2008). Prevalence of symptomatic pelvic floor disorders in US women. JAMA, 300(11), 1311. doi:10.1001/jama.300.11.1311
Markland, A. D., Richter, H. E., Fwu, C. W., Eggers, P., & Kusek, J. W. (2011). Prevalence and trends of urinary incontinence in adults in the United States, 2001 to 2008. The Journal of urology, 186(2), 589–593. doi:10.1016/j.juro.2011.03.114
Milsom, I., & Gyhagen, M. (2019). The prevalence of urinary incontinence. Climacteric : the journal of the International Menopause Society, 22(3), 217–222. doi:10.1080/13697137.2018.1543263