Mini Mindfulness Breaks

It’s no secret that some days are more hectic than others! It can be difficult to maintain a sense of calm when your focus is needed in multiple directions. Taking time to practice simple mindfulness techniques can help you build stress resilience.

How Can Mindfulness Benefit Me?

Mindfulness is defined as “awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally.” Studies show that practicing mindfulness can reduce stress and increase focus. People who do so regularly often experience improved mental and physical health.

Do you have 5 minutes for a mindfulness activity? Read on for suggestions to fit mindfulness breaks into your day.

Mini Mindfulness Breaks for Your Day

Gratitude in the morning. When you sit down at your desk or start your day, write down three things you are grateful for. To get started, think about the people you are grateful for, positive things that have happened, or simple joys in your life (like your bed!).

Drink slowly and breathe. The next time you drink water, slow down and enjoy it for a few seconds. Take a deep breath, take a sip of water, and then take another deep breath. Notice how the water feels in your mouth moving down your throat.

Take a tech-free walk. When you take a bathroom break or lunchtime stroll leave your phone behind. Take those few minutes to walk without distractions. Feel your feet on the ground and observe your surroundings.

Stretch it out. Do some stretching at your desk or in a break room. Pick three to five stretches and take your time. Focus on your breath and how your body feels while you stretch. Reach out to your Hinge Health coach for stretch ideas or open the Hinge Health app on your phone.

Meditation minute. If you feel comfortable, close your eyes and bring awareness to your breath. Start counting your breaths until you get to 10 (one breath in and out counts as one). Once you get to 10 start again at one. Continue breathing and counting your breaths until you feel more relaxed.

Turn Your Mindfulness Breaks Into a Habit

Keep yourself accountable. When our days get busy it can be easy to forget about new habits. Take advantage of strategies to remember your mindfulness breaks until they become automatic. Some accountability tips:

  • Ask your Hinge Health coach to check in with you.

  • Schedule this habit into your calendar, use a phone reminder, or put a sticky note on your bathroom mirror, computer, or refrigerator.

Key Takeaways

  1. Practicing mindfulness can increase your focus, reduce your stress, and improve your mental and physical health.

  2. Mindfulness breaks can include deep breathing exercises, gratitude practice, stretching exercises, focused awareness of your surroundings, and more.

  3. You can turn mindfulness into an automatic habit by using memory strategies like calendar and phone reminders, or notes placed in prominent places.


  1. Kabat-Zinn, J. (2021, October 22). MBSR training by Jon Kabat-Zinn. Retrieved from

  2. Wei, M. (2018, October 23). New research suggests mindfulness improves job satisfaction. Retrieved from